What is a Parked Domain?

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What is a Parked Domain?

Most web users aren’t familiar with domain parking, yet it’s something that most of us have encountered.

What is a Parked Domain?

A parked domain is a domain name that has been registered but not connected to an active website. It is not currently being used, but instead is set aside for future use.

Most domains, like nameexperts.com, point to an active web page. But in the case of a parked domain, that address points to a “this domain is reserved” web page, a “buy this domain” page, an advertisement page, or a plain web page with no content. In some cases, it’ll point to no web page at all, and you’ll see an error in your web browser saying “This site can’t be reached”.

Why Would You Have a Parked Domain?

There are many reasons for domain parking, including:

Reserving a Domain Name

You might have a domain name that you plan to use for a website in the future. So, you buy it from a registrar and park it to prevent another person from snapping it up and disrupting your plans.

A good domain name is worth its weight in gold, so absorbing the cost of holding the domain when it’s not in active use is advisable.

Redirecting visitors to another domain

You can use your parked domain to redirect visitors to another active domain that you own. For instance, you might have owned a website and changed the domain name for marketing purposes. You wouldn’t want people typing in the former domain name to get confused, so you redirect it to the new one.

Save it for Reselling

Some domain names can appreciate in value, and many people hold them as investments. You can buy a domain name and park it with the intention of selling it for a higher price in the future.

Site is in Development

The website you want to connect to the domain name may be under development and launching soon. In the meantime, you can park the domain and only connect it to the website when it’s ready.

How to Configure a Parked Domain

Error Page

Some parked domains return an error message when you type them into your web browser. The error message varies depending on your web browser, but it usually takes the form of “this site can’t be reached”.

Sales Page

The parked domain could lead to a web page indicating your intent to sell it. This web page will also include information on how to contact the owner or place an offer with a third-party company managing the domain.

Ads Page

Advertisements are a creative way to monetize parked domains. You can insert advertisements on the web page of the domain and earn money each time someone views or clicks on it. In some cases, the advertising income could cover the cost of owning the domain and even bring profits.

Registrar Page

Here, the parked domain will lead to a web page notifying the visitor that the domain has been registered by someone else. This page is usually automatically generated by the domain registrar whose name and logo will be displayed on it.

How Can You Park a Domain?

The simplest way to perform domain parking is to just register the domain with a registrar like Namecheap or Google Domains. Most registrars automatically park a domain once you buy it. Then, you’re free to insert advertisements on the parked web page or place a sales notice if that’s what you want.

Suppose you want to redirect the domain to another active domain. In that case, you can set up an automatic redirect by adjusting the domain name system (DNS) records via your registrar or hosting provider.

How to Buy a Parked Domain

There are two major ways of buying a parked domain. You can either find the owner’s details directly and contact them or hire a professional domain broker to handle that for you.

Doing it on Your Own

If you find a parked domain that you’re interested in, the easiest way to find the owner’s details is to perform a lookup on the WHOIS database. This is a public database containing the ownership information of an assigned domain, such as their name, phone number, email address, etc.

  1. Visit https://www.whois.com/whois/ or any other database lookup site.
  2. Type in the domain name you’re interested in and hit the search button.
  3. If it’s a valid domain, you’ll see relevant information such as the registrar, registration date and expiration date, owner’s name, and contact information (email, fax, or phone number).
  4. You can then contact the owner and indicate your interest to buy their domain. If they’re open to a sale, you’re free to negotiate the price and acquire the domain. It’s advisable to use a domain escrow service to avoid falling victim to fraud and losing your money.

Using a Broker to Buy a Parked Domain

Finding the details of a domain name’s owner is the easiest part. The hardest part is negotiating a ‘fair’ price to pay for the domain. If you’re not experienced in domain name acquisitions, you could end up overpaying for a domain or making such a small offer that the owner ignores you.

The good thing is that you can hire a professional domain broker to handle the negotiation for you. Professional brokers already have experience in negotiating domain name sales, so they can hammer out financial terms with the owner and get you the domain for a reasonable price. They can also handle the domain transfer to your registrar while you sit back and relax. The broker will collect a fee for their service, either a fixed fee, a commission, or a mix of both.

Add On Domain vs. Parked Domain

You can always create a parked domain or add-on domain for your primary website. A parked domain is a simple domain that you point to your primary domain name; Whenever a user types in this second domain, they’ll be redirected to your primary domain. They are usually variations of your primary domain name that can confuse users. For example, amzn.com and amzon.com would both redirect to Amazon.com.

An add-on domain is a second or additional domain hosted in the same control panel as the first. You can choose which directory the add-on domain points to. For example, if you put the second domain in a directory called “domain2”, it can be accessed by typing domain2.com or domain2.domain1.com on your web browser.

Add-on domains enable you to control multiple domains from a single account.

Set-Up Your Own Parked Domain

Parked domains are very simple to understand. There’s nothing special about them, but they can be very useful. We’ve explained what parked domains are, the reasons for parking a domain, and how you can park a domain. We also explained how you can buy a parked domain you come across and the difference between a parked domain and add-on domain, which confuses many people.

If you need a broker to help you acquire a parked domain, NameExperts is at your service.

Subscribe for More Domain Buying & Selling Advice

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A Premium Domain Name Make All the Difference

The Internet evolves and is shaped by countless businesses, people, non-profits and an array of countless other entities looking for eyeballs in an ever-changing World. A Premium Domain Name Make All the Difference Your Premium domain name strategy is crucial in today’s clutter. Brand’s work hard to engrain their product or service, and establish market positioning, relevance—and ultimately dominance. Savvy brands understand the importance of creating something catchy and memorable. They need to separate themselves from their competition in ways that remain top-of-mind for their targeted audience. Let’s review the top ten below according to Wikipedia.org: Rnk Company Rev($B) FY Employees Mkt. Cap Location Founded 1 Amazon $232.9 2018 647,500 $802.3 Seattle 1994 [1][2] 2 Alphabet Inc. $136.8 2018 98,771 $791.01 Mountain View, CA 1998 [3][4] 3 JD.com $55.7 2017 137,975 $34.84 Beijing 1998 [5][6] 4 Facebook $55.01 2018 25,105 $486.39 Menlo Park, CA 2004 [7][8] 5 Alibaba $39.90 2018 66,421 $432.12 Hangzhou 1999 [9][10] 6 Tencent $36.39 2017 44,796 $434.66 Shenzhen 1998 [11][12] 7 Netflix $15.8 2018 5,400 $153.39 Los Gatos, CA 1997 [13][14] 8 Booking $12.7 2017 22,900 $92.94 Norwalk, CT 1996 [15] 9 Baidu $12.40 2016 45,887 $88.11 Beijing 2000 [16][17] 10 eBay $10.75 2018 14,000 $32.07 San Jose 1995 [18][19]   Each one of these companies went out and acquired their core-premium domain name. They understood the value of the .com as their global brand. Let’s dig a bit deeper in the strategy of one of the major power-houses listed above. Facebook.com, listed at number four also owns many other valuable pieces of digital, beach front real estate. Take for example, FB.com which complements the existing digital strategy that was already in place. Facebook has parlayed their web presence by building another piece of digital real estate on their own majestic piece of real estate. Another example is Booking.com, with more than $12B in revenues. They do a phenomenal job of attracting users with constant ad-driven messaging. They have partnerships with more than 660,000 hotels and provide a valuable service to their clientele. Why Premium Domains? Let’s continue with the beach-front real estate analogy. For the past thirty years, brands swallow up the short, brandable .com domains. These are the assets that provide the most upside, equity and long-term value to the brands. These assets can hold generic value, such as Booking.com, or be more brandable, such as EBay.com or Baidu to name a few. Premium domain names have commercial appeal and are typically, very memorable. Brands spend huge amounts of money attracting new users and creating brand credibility. Digital strategists are competing for a smaller piece of the available premium domain name inventory. Sure; anyone can build a brand, using any extension, to the right of the dot. It’s how you develop the brand, and create long-term equity for your company. Companies should always acquire the shortest variation for their brand. This doesn’t have to be the only strategy. Companies should outline a comprehensive domain name strategy that not only covers their brand, but any additional reputation management, or brand defense needed to protect your corporate brand positioning. Simply put, premium domain names add the following instant upside: Brand-dominance and positioning Equity toward the long-term exit strategy Inability to build—defensive strategy against your competition Own the real estate before your competitors do! Direct Navigation Search—people search the keyword every day! How many eyeballs are you missing? IP and Trademark positioning Credibility and Awareness Most successful brands have identified the importance of the premium domain name. Most of them now have dedicated digital strategists or digital departments to handle the larger need for digital integration and social media components. Brands should spend wisely, and methodically when securing a new brand, or piece of beach-front digital real estate. Get it right the first time Companies should always use this checklist to make sure they are not leaving their money on the table Hire an expert—when you get your maintenance on your car, do you do it yourself? Spend your time wisely, on what you do best and leave domain acquisitions to the experts! Conduct Research—who owns the asset, and for how long? Is it being used? Are there active trademarks? What’s the history of the link profile? Variations and Alternatives—brands need to nail it. To do this, sometimes, they need to think outside the box. Find viable alternative assets that define your image and brand. Negotiation is key—do you negotiate for a living? We do. We remove the emotional attachment and red tape to manage both buyers and sellers’ expectations.  Be Flexible—sometimes you have to give a little, to get a little. Don’t be afraid to be flexible and offer ways to mutually-benefit the other party in your transaction. Be Honest—honesty and integrity go along way. Be true to your word, and don’t go back on what you say. This is critical for deals to succeed. Ask Questions—hold your broker or expert accountable and ask appropriate questions. Some domain transactions move quickly. A clear line of communication is necessary to save valuable money and time. Due-Diligence—dig for more information, market comps, fire-power necessary to make the case. Goes back to the research tidbit above. Timing—don’t hunt for a CBD-themed/ Marijuana-type name when there is mass decriminalization and legalization occurring. The market is just too hot, and pricing will be way too inflated. Instead, names should be selected, “ahead-of-the-curve”. Save money When buying a premium domain name, it’s important to ask the right questions. This can save the buyer tons of money in the long-run. The most widely used example relates to trademarks tied to a name, or brand. Many companies have secured a domain name for commercial use, but never take the time to search the trademark database. This quick search can save clients thousands of dollars. Premium Domain Names make total sense for any emerging brand, looking to scale their brand accordingly. Shortening the global domain name is still the foundation for successful growth. The top companies around the World continue to focus on the sensible .com for their brand growth. This validates the need for superb, premium domain name for your company and brand. Get it right the first time and save money in the long-run while adding that much needed credibility and equity value. Drop us a line to discuss your domain name strategy and digital branding plan. Click here, to acquire your next premium domain name.

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It continued DVD rentals with its usual name (successfully) before pivoting to video streaming later. When your initial branding strategy doesn’t work, the intelligent thing to do is a rebrand, and there are specific factors to consider when doing that. Be clear on what’s driving the rebrand Before initiating rebranding efforts, you must be clear on what’s driving the need for the rebranding. There are varying reasons for a business to rebrand, and each demands different strategies. The most common reasons for rebranding include: Having an outdated brand To reposition your brand Reputation management Brands can become outdated when they fail to keep up with rapid changes in modern style and influence. For example, a social media site from the early internet days won’t survive well in this current internet age when we have vastly different demographics. The early social media platforms became outdated over time and those that failed to rebrand lost market share. You can also rebrand to reposition your company’s business strategy. If your original name focused on a niche, but has evolved to target a broader offering. FilterEasy to Second Nature is a good example of a brand that changed brand names to better align with their new offering. They originally focused on selling only filers, but evolved to sell home care products. Businesses also rebrand for reputational purposes. You may have started with a well-meaning name that unfortunately became associated with negative things in the future. A typical example is a Chinese fashion retailer named ISIS that had to rebrand when the name became associated with terrorist activities. Focus on the Core Messaging Your rebrand should have clear and concise messaging. You should be able to tell a story with your new brand that customers can relate to. Just don’t rebrand without context because it can irk existing customers. Let them know why you’re rebranding (see no. 1 point) and why it’s better for the business. A simple explanation goes a long way in making your customers empathize with you despite the short-term inconvenience. Consider your audience, market, and competition It would help if you thoroughly evaluated how your rebranding would affect your existing audience (customers) and standing against competitors in the market. Ensure you research to validate if your rebranding reasons are appropriate. How would your customers react to an unfamiliar brand name? Is there intense brand competition in your industry? These are good questions to ask before initiating any rebrand. You must be sure that the direction of your rebrand matches what customers want. There are two main types of branding research; quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research entails collecting and analyzing numerical data to find patterns, while qualitative implies using non-numerical data. Publicize your new brand Your rebranding efforts will be futile if you don’t make customers aware of it. Consumers have short attention spans, meaning they can easily forget your old brand. Once you rebrand, assume you’re a newly-formed brand and market like one. Buy ads on social media platforms, search engines, TV, etc., to spread the word about your new identity. How do I rebrand an existing business? Buy a new domain name In this digital age, not having a website puts you on a lower level than your competitors. Hence, the first step to rebranding an existing business is securing the proper domain name. Before choosing your new brand name, check if a corresponding domain name is available. Your domain name is how customers would find you, so you can’t afford to make errors here. You can buy any available domain name through any domain registrar. However, there are cases where a domain you want is already taken, and you see yourself having no other choice. Don’t fret. You can enlist a domain name broker (like Name Experts) to find and contact the owner with an offer on your behalf. Change your logo A logo is an essential aspect of any brand because it’s one of the first things a customer recognizes and identifies with. Hence, you should change your logo during rebranding to signal your new brand identity. You can make your logo simpler for customers. Likewise, you can use unique colors to make your new brand stand out from your former. Change your slogan Many brands have a slogan that customers resonate with, e.g., Nike’s “Just do it” and Disneyland’s “The happiest place on earth.” It would be best if you changed your slogan when rebranding to flaunt your new brand identity. Create new ads You should create advertisements fitting your new brand identity. Your ads will now use a different slogan, color palette, keywords, etc. What does it mean to rebrand a business? Rebranding is the process of changing an organization’s corporate image. It entails creating a new look and feel for an existing company to influence customer choices. A rebranding company would typically change its name (and domain), logo, slogan, vision, mission statement, etc. Why would a company rebrand? There are various reasons why a company would rebrand. It could be repositioning themselves for a new business strategy, reputational management, or simply fixing an outdated brand. If a company is switching from a niche market to a larger one, it’s wise to rebrand appropriately to match its new focus (e.g., FilterEasy to Second Nature). Likewise, if a company’s brand suffers from a poor reputation due to internal or external causes, a rebrand can help avert it. Should you rebrand your business? Rebranding is a hectic and expensive undertaking that you must do only with a clear goal. If you’re not looking to change your strategy, avert a reputational crisis, or face other standard issues that call for rebranding, we advise you to avoid it.

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Why You Should Use The .com For Your Domain

.COM for Business Using a .com domain for your identity offers several significant advantages that can positively impact your brand’s identity, visibility, and long-term growth. Here’s why a .com domain registration transfer is often the best choice for a new domain registration and purchase in your desired price range. The purchase can be daunting and less secure without the proper knowledge of the transfer process. Price range is a major factor when it comes down to buying-or a potential sale of your URL. Global Recognition and Trust Most Recognized Top Level Domain: The .com domain extension is the most widely recognized TLD globally and connects the World. When users see a .com domain, they immediately associate it with a legitimate organization. It’s the default extension most people think of when typing a domain name or securing one for ownership and transfer. Trust Factor: Buyers tend to trust websites that have a .com domain over other top level domains. Most International registrars support the transfer of .com and offer additional features. Since it’s the most established and widely used domain extension, it adds an element of professionalism, security and reliability to your marketing plan. This helps visitors with peace-of-mind and more likely to engage with your entity and feel more secure. Memorability and Ease of Use Easier to Remember: A short, catchy .com domain is easier for people to recall. People are conditioned to associate websites with .com, making it more likely that they’ll remember your complete domain name when searching for your business or product suite. This improves free direct visit traffic, where users type your domain into their browsers, leading to higher engagement and conversions on your site to protect your brand and keep you covered. Fewer Mistakes: Because .com is the default TLD, potential individuals are more likely to accidentally type yourbusiness.com even if your actual website is on a different extension (e.g., .net or .org). Owning the .com prevents you from losing traffic to other sites and allows your client to complete the navigation. Customer Expectation .COM: Customers often expect businesses to use .com for both websites and email addresses. If a site uses yourbusiness.com for its website but an alternative domain like .net or .biz for its email, it could create confusion or even raise questions about the their legitimacy even if its catchy. A professional email address ending in .com adds security, simplicity and attracts more visitors to the domain to achieve success. Using the same .com domain for both your website and professional email helps create a cohesive brand identity for your new domain and keeps you protected and ready to continue to build your organization. Other TLDs: If your website is hosted on a .com domain but your email use different domain extensions (e.g., [email protected]), it can lead to confusion and undermine the consistency of your brand. Clients may accidentally send emails to [email protected] because they assume your email matches your website domain. Credibility with Investors and Partners Perception of Success: Having a .com domain is often seen as a sign that a brand is more established, successful, and serious about its online presence. Investors, acquisition partners, and other account stakeholders may view your brand more favorably if it has secured a .com domain, especially if you’re targeting a global audience, or providing services or support. Domain as a Digital Asset: A .com domain purchase can also become a valuable long-term equity play. Premium .com domains tend to appreciate over time, adding value to your organization if you decide to sell or expand services to maximize the best price for transfer. Register top keywords that identify with your services or product offerings or answer questions. Purchase a .org for your non-profit, or a .net for your network platform. Alternative TLDs such as .net and .org may each hold value to the domain name owner and may be attractive to the buyer as an cheaper alternative based on availability of domains. SEO and Search Engine Benefits Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR): A .com domain will ensure greater click-value in search engine results. Since users trust .com websites more, search engines like Google may favor them in search rankings, especially for advanced searches. Even if a domain extension doesn’t directly impact SEO, user buy behavior (like click-through rates) does, and .com domains tend to perform better in this area. Backlink Value: When other sites link to you, they may be more willing to link to a .com site due to its perceived authority and security. High-quality back links are essential for SEO performance, and .com domains tend to naturally attract more of those links according to search tools. International Appeal Global Acceptance: If your org operates globally or plans to expand internationally, a .com domain is universally recognized and accepted across borders and everyday life. Country-specific domains (like .co.uk or .de) can limit your reach or cause confusion in markets outside that specific country. They can also cause transfer issues. Consistency in Branding: As your organization grows, maintaining a consistent identity across different regions is essential. A .com domain helps establish a unified web presence, making it easier for customers worldwide to find and recognize your branding and url. Competitive Advantage Competitor Safeguard: Owning the .com version of your entity name prevents competitors from using it. Even if you currently use a different extension for your account, a competitor could purchase the .com and use it to divert traffic, confuse clients, or dilute your message or image and hurt security. Professionalism: Many well-established businesses, particularly in competitive industries, prefer .com domains. If a competitor has the .com version of a similar name, they may be seen as more professional or legitimate than a business name using a less common extension. Having a .com gives you an edge in appearing professional and trustworthy. Versatility to Ensure Growth Future-Proof: As your network grows, the .com extension is flexible enough to accommodate expansions into new products, services, or geographic markets. Unlike some niche TLDs, which may be associated with specific industries (like .tech or .store), a .com can grow with your entity and remain relevant in any market. Resale Value: Premium .com domains can become valuable assets if your organization is ever sold or merged. The high demand for .com domains, especially short, brandable ones, means they often increase in value over time and make them an easier sale for the seller in a reasonable range. Avoiding Confusion Preventing Traffic Loss: Customers may assume that a business’s website ends in .com, even if you use a different TLD like .net,.org, .co, or .biz. But of course, if you don’t own the .com version, users might end up on a different website, which can lead to confusion, loss of traffic, or even customers landing on a competitor’s site as an example. User Expectations: Since most websites prefer .com, users naturally expect that a professional, well-established site will have this domain extension. If you use a less common top level domains, a customer might view them as less credible and professional domain extensions. What other TLDs Are Good Options? Clients ask regularly if there are decent top level domain alternatives to the .com for transfer. There are many including, .org, .net,.co, .io, .ai, .xyz and .club domains that hold lots of power and authority. Top Extensions: These extensions are popular for use in the crypto and web 3 space.There are many organizations that capitalize on the generic value such as the banking industry with the .bank top level domain. With more than 2500 new GTLD domain extensions, you can now register and transfer anything from .legal to .top, to .car for your domain names. Here are a list of some top extensions and how they’re often used: .ai: artificial intelligence, machine learning support, reasonable renewal cost .net: internet infrastructure sites, more technical, fairly reasonable renewal cost .co: abbreviation for commerce, corporation and community .org: non-commercial org and non-profits .io: tech sites, business or commercial use support You definitely don’t need to use a website builder for every domain name. Make sure you forward any additional domain names you register to your primary site and add a secure server to protect your organization. The Dot-Com Domain Should Be Your First Choice When we talk about long term investing and ROI, we think about the stock market, commercial or residential real estate investing, gold bullion and Forex and certainly domain investing. Domain names hold value and add instant equity to the branding strategy and ownership in the purchase and sale of domains names. There are hundreds of thousands of prime opportunities to invest in the domain space and as the last 30 years have shown, the .com is the most credible TLD on the market, both domestically and abroad. This holds true if you are buying your domain for your business or to hold and transfer at a later date. Whether this is your first domain, or you own many domains, the .com creates easy accessibility for consumers and brands alike. Brand Protection: Companies work hard to protect their domain brands, account and marketing tactics. They invest millions of dollars and countless resources at building that beach front real estate and maintaining their Internet presence in the world. As experts in the domain space, we continue to recommend the .com as the superior domain with considerable upside and long term equity potential. Case Study: Tesla.com domain acquisition Here’s a case study of a .com domain acquisition transfer that highlights the importance and benefits of acquiring a premium .com domain for a business. The study involves Tesla’s acquisition of Tesla.com. Case Study: Tesla’s Acquisition of Tesla.com Background: For many years after its founding, Tesla (the electric vehicle manufacturer) operated under the registered domain TeslaMotors.com. Despite its growing success, the entity didn’t own the highly sought-after Tesla.com domain. TeslaMotors.com was functional, but having Tesla.com would better align with the company’s image as it expanded beyond cars to include energy products like solar panels and batteries. The domain Tesla.com was originally owned by a man named Stuart Grossman, who had registered it long before the organization existed. Grossman wasn’t actively using the domain, but he also wasn’t interested in selling it easily, making the acquisition a challenging and lengthy process. The Acquisition Process: Need for Rebranding: As Tesla grew and became a household name, the organization realized that TeslaMotors.com was limiting its branding. The “Motors” in the domain name suggested a narrow focus on cars, whereas Tesla’s long-term vision encompassed energy solutions, solar products, and batteries. The organization needed a simpler, cleaner domain—Tesla.com—that reflected its image as a leader in the broader tech and energy sectors. Complex Negotiation: Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, revealed that acquiring Tesla.com was a difficult process, taking over 10 years of negotiations. The domain owner, Grossman, was reluctant to sell the name for many years, leading Tesla to offer a significant amount to finally secure it. Musk later hinted that they had paid $11 million to acquire the domain, though exact figures weren’t officially disclosed. Hands-on Approach: Tesla’s approach to acquiring the domain involved: Patience: Tesla waited until the domain owner was ready to sell, all while continuing to build their company. Persistence: Tesla remained in contact with the owner over a long period, signaling ongoing interest and ensuring the owner knew they were serious buyers. Strategic Timing: Tesla finally closed the deal when they were ready to reposition their entity from just a car line to a broader energy and technology company. Outcome: In 2016, Tesla successfully acquired and completed the transfer of the Tesla.com domain and immediately rebranded their website and digital assets. This acquisition allowed Tesla to secure its concept and image across all its product lines and simplify its online presence and customer support tools.

Why Work with Name Experts

Name Experts offers personalized domain brokerage services, assisting clients in buying or selling premium domain names with expert appraisal, negotiation, and complete transaction management while ensuring confidentiality.

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