Is .com domain name still relevant?

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Is .com domain name still relevant?

.com is still relevant

As a super-premium domain broker and domain name valuation expert I am continually asked if the .com is still as relevant as it once was…The short answer is absolutely and here’s why…

Branding remains at the forefront of all carefully executed advertising or marketing campaigns. It’s imperative that your message is clean; concise and to the point. Some of the largest and most successful companies around the globe understand the importance of brand appeal.

The domain name is the “foundation” for the brand. The .com domain name adds equity, credibility, and is easily memorable. Often times, we refer to the .com as the beach front real estate.

Additionally, domain names are valuable and continue to retain that value. Most startups and brand managers understand the importance of the .com as consumers have been programmed for years to gravitate towards the .com.

This is still relevant today. In using this example, we can demonstrate the significance of the .com domain name.

Advertising and .com

Take for example, a sixty minute program on television. Within that hour, at least eighteen minutes are geared towards commercials. The rest of the time is actual programming.

There are six breaks of 3 minutes with six :30 commercials per break. Five out of Six brands advertise the .com in their marketing campaign. Furthermore, consumers have been programmed to gravitate towards .com.

Additionally, over the past twenty five years, top brands have acquired and marketed their companies with the top domain names, with every brand in the top 100 from 2015 marketing the .com.

Will advertising and marketing strategy shift?

Some would make the case that the .com is dying and losing value-especially with Mobile marketing continuing to grow. While there might be some validity to this notion, it’s not entirely true.

Most efforts to change the .com as the dominant tld revolve around small to medium-sized business. These companies continue to acquire alternatives for a fraction of the price of the .com

What does this mean for you?

Savvy brand managers and startups need to carefully select their brand and determine their scale and marketing reach. The .com is the only way to effectively add value to your brand, and increase that global appeal.

Remember, consumers have choices-more than ever and it’s important to make a good first impression. A dominant domain name is the cornerstone to any successful online presence.

In addition, Advertising is everywhere. As consumers, we are deluged with ads that saturate our minds with new products and services.

Finally, Take the challenge and review advertising best practices .  Super premium and keyword-dominant .coms will continue to dominate the large-scale global appeal. .coms will continue to add value to your global brand.

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How to Choose a Domain Name

One of the most important decisions you’ll make about your business is the domain name you choose to acquire. The domain name you give your business is crucial as it becomes your identity on the web. You want it to reflect your brand and fit your business, but you also need it to be easy to find and promote. Acquiring a premium domain name is definitely the way to go but choosing one can be difficult. What criteria should you be following to make sure you end up with the very best when you buy a domain name? To help you answer the question ‘What should my domain name be?’, here are six things you should keep in mind. 1. Pick a Short Name When You Choose a Domain What You Want to Avoid: When you’re just starting out playing with domain names to choose, it can be tempting to combine all your ideas into one long domain name. However, while that may make it unique and descriptive, it may hurt your branding. What to Do Instead: A short name is easy to remember, easier to spell, and thus, has a better chance of becoming a household name. It also makes it easier when you want to branch out into branded items, or you want to create a logo, etc. Unfortunately, the very easy 3-letter names were all taken as early as 1997, but there are plenty of others available that are appropriate. The shorter your domain name is, the easier it is to share through word of mouth. It’s also easier to type into your search bar, especially if you’re using a phone. 2. Pick Something Easy to Spell, Pronounce, and Remember What You Want to Avoid: A name that is difficult to spell can negatively impact your traffic because it can mean that users don’t land on your page. They might even end up with a competitor, instead. You’ll also want to avoid using multiple spellings and the use of hyphens, numbers, or special characters. Your customers will often misunderstand numbers or misplace hyphens. People who hear your web address might not know whether you’re using a numeral or if it’s spelled out. What to Do Instead: This name needs to be easy to remember. Your customers need to be able to spell it correctly and pronounce it easily, so that they can easily share it with others. Imagine you’re naming a child – you want something unique for your site, but you also don’t want a name that will create difficulties because of spelling or pronunciation. If you absolutely need to include special characters or terms that are more difficult to spell in your domain name, make sure you register different variations of it to be safe. Some of the most famous and brandable names out there are extremely simple: Google. Facebook. Amazon. These are giants who created an excellent product or service, but who also knew how to brand themselves by acquiring premium domain names. 3. Use Relevant Keywords What You Want to Avoid: A word of caution, here – if your domain is entirely made up of keywords, you run the risk of creating a brand that sounds too generic, or unrecognizable. Especially if you’re starting a blog or a personal page, you need something with a bit of personality. What to Do Instead: You’ll notice that a lot of the heavy players have names that are composed of two words, and one of them is usually a keyword. That is a very clever choice, because a) it’s descriptive of your business, b) it majorly contributes to SEO, and c) it makes your name easy to remember. So, if you’ve got an interior design business, for example, you’ll want a premium domain that ideally includes a relevant keyword, like “design”, “interior”, “decorator”, “home”, “style”, etc. That will tell your potential customers all they need to know about your business. Your name is also likely to pop up in whatever Google search they try for “interior design” or similar keywords. If your business is local, you might consider including your city or state in your domain. That way, customers in your area can find your name and remember it easier. Often, when doing keyword research for your business, you’ll find that city and state will most likely be included. 4. Avoid Anything Confusing or Inappropriate What You Want to Avoid: You want to pay attention to not pick a name that is confusing (either because of spelling or sheer peculiarity), awkward, or inappropriate. If the initials of your business make up an inappropriate word, scrap the name immediately. What to Do Instead: Also pay attention to what a domain looks like when you spell it out, if it’s made of multiple words. You’ll be surprised at how many other words you may inadvertently spelling. The other thing to look out for is that picking a name that has no relation to your line of business can be very confusing. 5. Avoid Names that Already Exist or Are Trademarked What You Want to Avoid: Don’t go ahead with a name that is extremely similar to an existing one or that is trademarked, because a) that is confusing for your customers and you risk losing traffic, and b) you may, someday, be served with a legal notice that may create problems. What to Do Instead: However, there is a caveat, here. If the name is already trademark-protected, that’s a bit of a dead-end. There can’t be another Burger King, for example. If, however, the domain name you want is just taken by someone else, there are ways around that and you are still able to buy a domain name that is already owned. 6. Choose a .com TLD, but Purchase All Available Extensions What You Want to Avoid: If you only acquire the domain name you want and no other similar ones, you run the risk of having someone else purchase other variations of your domain. They will get the traffic that should have been directed towards your page. What to Do Instead: The most popular domains are .com ones, and they are the most widely used, so it’s the ideal premium domain to acquire. But your work doesn’t stop here. Once you’ve bought that, you also want to purchase every other available variation of your domain name. For example, let’s say your domain name is You should try to buy,,, etc. That way, no one else can take these domains and possibly steal traffic that was meant to go your way. Once you have these domains, you can make sure the traffic redirects to your main .com domain. Bottom Line When Deciding How to Choose a Domain Name Choosing a domain name can be a delicate process. Pick the wrong one, and your business may suffer. Pick the right one, and it can catapult you into quick notoriety, or at least it can help make branding easier. The most important things to remember when choosing what domain to acquire is that it should be something easy to spell and remember, non-trademarked, and that ideally includes a keyword. If you manage to find the perfect one, purchase every variation to make sure that you can take advantage of 100% of the traffic going to these domains.

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What is Domain Name Escrow & How Does it Work?

Escrow is an important thing to pay attention to when buying domain names, especially those of high value. This article will explain how domain name escrow works and the necessity of using a domain escrow 3rd-party during a domain name transaction when making highly-priced acquisitions. What is Domain Name Escrow? Domain name escrow is a specialized service designed to protect both buyers and sellers during domain name transactions. In this process, a neutral third-party agent holds the payment and domain information until all conditions of the transaction are met. This setup ensures that the buyer receives the domain name and the seller gets their payment, significantly reducing the risk of fraud and deception. By using domain name escrow services, both parties can enjoy a secure and efficient transfer of domain ownership, providing peace of mind throughout the transaction. What Is Escrow? Escrow is an arrangement in which a neutral third party temporarily holds money meant for a purchase until specific conditions are met. The money will only be transferred to the intended recipient when the conditions are met. If the conditions are not fulfilled, the money will go back to the buyer. In domain name and other transactions often, the escrow process involves a lawyer managing legal documents, ensuring compliance with laws, and securely holding the assets and money in a trust account until the terms of the agreement are fulfilled. What Can Escrow Be Used For & Why Escrow is common in transactions where a significant amount of money is involved, e.g., real estate. It is necessary to protect the buyer from losing money in case the seller does not fulfill the terms of the deal. Domain transactions can be pricey, which makes escrow and other services necessary just like with real estate. After all, domain names are online real estate. Escrow protects against: Sellers refusing to deliver a domain despite agreeing to do so. Buyers refusing to pay for a domain despite an agreement to buy it. Payment being made, and the domain not being transferred to the buyer. Secure payment is crucial in domain name transactions, and escrow services ensure that the financial exchange is safe and protected. In short, escrow ensures that both parties in a deal stick to their agreed terms. It is a mediator of the transaction and refuses to complete it until both parties act in good faith. How Does Escrow Work? 1. Agreement on price and deal The buyer and the seller negotiate and agree on how much is to be paid for a domain name or group of domain names. They also negotiate important factors like the date of payment, method of payment, and what currency to use. 2. Buyer places agreement with an escrow company With the deal terms drawn out, the buyer finds an escrow provider and deposits the payment with an escrow agent. Once the payment goes through, the buyer pays escrow company will notify the seller and tell them to transfer ownership of the domain name related to the escrow transaction. 3. Domain Name Is Transferred The seller will transfer the domain name to the buyer. The wire transfer procedure varies depending on the domain registrar, but both parties will work together to ensure a smooth transfer. It is crucial to involve legal counsel in domain transfers to secure the transaction and ensure compliance with legal requirements. 4. Domain Transfer Is Confirmed After the domain is transferred, the buyer will notify the seller agree the escrow company that the seller has fulfilled their part of the deal. 5. Payment Given To Seller With the domain transfer confirmed, the escrow company completes the escrow transaction by using money order and sending the money deposited by the buyer to the seller. What fees are associated with using an escrow service? The escrow usually charges a commission on the value of the deal. Some may also charge a flat fee in addition to a commission. The exact commission may vary depending on the deal volume. Benefits of Using Escrow For Buyers and Sellers The benefits of using escrow for domain names include: Security: The escrow holds the money until all deal terms are fulfilled, so there are little chances of the buyer losing their money without getting the intended domain name. The buyer also feels more secure dealing with a trusted escrow company than with a stranger over the web. Additionally, escrow services safeguard domain transactions by holding funds and domain holder information, minimizing the risk of fraud. Assurance: The buyer is assured that they will get the domain they want, and the seller is assured of payment once the domain transfer is confirmed. Customer support: Escrow services usually offer customer support and can guide the buyer throughout the process of acquiring a domain name. Choosing the Right Escrow Services Selecting the right 3rd-party escrow provider for domain name transactions is crucial for a smooth and secure process. Start by looking for a reputable and licensed escrow company with a proven track record in handling domain name transactions. Evaluate their fees and payment terms to ensure they fit within your budget. Additionally, consider the quality of their customer service and support, as this can be invaluable if any issues arise during the transaction. A reliable escrow provider should offer a secure and transparent process to deposit funds, with clear contractual obligations and a well-defined escrow agreement. Research the company’s reputation online and read reviews from previous clients to ensure you are working with a trustworthy escrow company. Domain Name Transfer and Intellectual Property Transferring ownership of a domain name involves several steps and can be particularly complex when intellectual property rights are involved. A domain name can be considered intellectual property if it is trademarked, which can impact its value and transferability. Before proceeding with a domain name transfer, it is essential to conduct a clearance search to ensure the domain name does not infringe on any existing trademarks. Utilizing a domain name escrow provider can facilitate this process by ensuring that both parties fulfill their contractual obligations and that the domain name is transferred securely. This helps protect best interests of the buyer and the seller, ensuring a smooth and legally compliant transfer of the domain name. Alternatives To Using Escrow Attorney A licensed attorney can draft a sales contract that is legally binding for buyer and seller. If any party breaks the contract, they can be sued for damages in court. The attorney can also act as an escrow organization and only transfer money from the buyer to the seller if the terms of the contract are fulfilled. An attorney is crucial in selling domain names to ensure all legal aspects are covered and the transaction is secure. Domain marketplace There are many marketplaces where you can acquire domain names. Here, the marketplace acts as a custodian of the domain and only the seller transfers it to the buyer after payment is confirmed, which is then given to the seller. Best Domain Name Escrow Services is the world’s largest online escrow service, and it has specific features for domain sales. The buyer can initiate the escrow request and provide the seller’s contact information for to get in touch. The buyer transfers the agreed sum to, and it is only when they confirm the domain has been successfully transferred that will disburse the money to the seller. charges 3.25% for deals between $0 and $5,000; 0.89% for deals between $5,001 and $25,000; and $162.5 + 0.25% for deals over $25,001. Sedo Domain Transfer Service Sedo is a popular domain name and website marketplace, especially useful for those looking to buy or sell domain names. Its domain transfer service puts it as a middleman between the buyer and the seller. Sedo receives the payment from the buyer and the domain name from the seller. When both ends are confirmed, then Sedo transfers the domain to the buyer and the buyer sends the money to the seller. This service incurs a 3% fee on the domain purchase price, with a minimum of $60. Afternic Afternic is another popular domain name marketplace focused on high-value domains. It offers an escrow service to protect both the buyer and the seller. Afternic holds the agreed amount and only disburses it to the former owner or seller when the buyer has confirmed receipt of the domain. If either party breaks the deal terms, the sale will be canceled and the money given back to the buyer minus the escrow fee. The drawback here is that Afternic doesn’t charge escrow fees separately. It takes a 20% fee which includes both sales and escrow commissions on all domains listed on its platform. Using an Escrow Service It is necessary to use an escrow service if you are paying a significant amount for a domain name and it helps protect you and the seller. If you need guidance in the domain buying process, including escrow, contact us for help. We have negotiated over $125 million in domain name sales and have over a decade of experience in domain name buying and transfers.

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