Stealth Acquisitions Domain Name

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Stealth Acquisitions Domain Name

As a buy-side broker specializing in Stealth Acquisitions, it’s our job to dig deep and find the rightful owner of a domain name. Problem is, some domain owners make it very difficult to reach them. What’s the psyche behind this rationale?

Not all domain name owners are equal and some owners don’t want to be contacted. They might not have any interest whatsoever, in selling their domain name. They might not have accurate, up-to-date whois information and might be difficult to decipher the current domain owner.

GDPR is another major change. Many Countries now adhere to stricter policies related to domain name owner privacy, with many Whois channels now dark and redacted for owners’ privacy rights.

Stealth acquisitions represent an opportunity for the buyer to be protected by complete anonymity. It is necessary to align with your broker before completing any type of acquisition. Your stealth acquisition should be able to answer these questions BEFORE making necessary contact:

  1. Have you completed a relevant trademark search around the keyword in question?
  2. Have you established a budget to complete this potential acquisition?
  3. Have you established a timeline for this potential acquisition?
  4. Are you familiar with aftermarket domain name valuations?
  5. Have you thought about viable alternatives, if your target might not be available?
  6. What type of barriers do you see in this potential acquisition?

Buy-side brokers need to understand the full opportunity and any pertinent history on the previous acquisition attempts of the prospective buyer. Many domain owners like to use privacy to protect their anonymity. Sometimes, they don’t want to be bothered with the Spam that gets generated on a daily basis.

Buy-side brokers should also be able to drill down, identify and contact the rightful domain name owner. The buy-side broker should also be able to act as a buffer between buyer and seller and remove any emotion from a potential deal.

How to buy a domain name

Here are the basic steps to acquire a domain name

  1. Identify ownership, and research if asset is available
  2. Submit an offer to appropriate owner
  3. Negotiate
  4. Agree on price and complete paperwork (if applicable)
  5. Escrow to complete financial component
  6. Registrar transfer via push, or authorization code
  7. Confirm control of asset(s)
  8. Release of funds

Consider these items when buying a domain name

  1. Check the DNS, see where the domain is pointing to. Is there a website, or is it undeveloped?
  2. Whois history is a valuable tool to understand the true history of the domain name
  3. Check the Way back Machine to see what other properties have been developed on the URL in the past.
  4. Speak with the buyer or acquisition partner to fully understand their goals and objectives including history, timing, budget etc.
  5. Make sure to set the expectation with the prospective buyer on price. Is the buyer familiar with aftermarket domain name values?
  6. Legal—contracts, redlines, edits and changes

Furthermore, the buy-side broker should offer the following upside for any Stealth Acquisition:

  • Negotiate with YOU in mind, no dual agency in this scenario
  • Provide contracts that protect ALL parties involved
  • Typically save you time and money
  • Allows for a third-party (non-biased) approach towards the acquisition
  • Coordinate necessary contractual paperwork between parties
  • Facilitate and handle smooth transfers of domain names
  • Offer transparency and full disclosure
  • Non-disclosure where applicable

Starting the Process

Acquiring a domain name doesn’t have to be a daunting task. You should start by researching suitable candidates to help with your acquisition. Don’t identify the asset unless you are sure you found the proper buy-side broker. Ask the broker for information on their service and a few names they recently acquired for clients?

Find out how that Company or individual can add value to your potential acquisition and always do a google search to learn more about the broker you are working with.

Take the time to do the research and find an expert that can properly assist you with all of your acquisition needs. Ask appropriate questions and make sure that you get aligned with the broker. Hold the broker accountable and require status updates so you are not left in the dark on the progress—or lack thereof.

In most instances, your stealth acquisition needs to be completed right the first time. Most domain name acquisitions only have one chance to secure the domain name target without leaving extra money on the table.

Stealth acquisitions should only be performed by a seasoned-domain name buy-side broker. The domain buyer should understand if the broker has certain strengths or weaknesses. Some buy-side brokers have decent buyers for domains, but don’t always have the tools and knowledge to find the rightful domain owner, or rich relationships with industry veterans. Other buy-side brokers are excellent at managing the acquisition, but terrible at the details. Can’t keep things moving and get things closed.

Details are key when it comes to any domain name acquisition. Contracts and paperwork can take months to pass through the legal channels. Its important to find a representative that is fully-vested and can assist you with all aspects of the buy-side domain name acquisition process.

Finally, when selecting a buy-side broker, make sure you ask for referrals and do your homework so you can make contact with the rightful domain owner and secure the perfect domain name for your brand. has successfully negotiated and closed hundreds of domain name transactions on behalf of our clients. We encourage you to get in touch with our expert brokers today to learn more about our services, and how we add value for our clients.

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A Premium Domain Name Make All the Difference

The Internet evolves and is shaped by countless businesses, people, non-profits and an array of countless other entities looking for eyeballs in an ever-changing World. A Premium Domain Name Make All the Difference Your Premium domain name strategy is crucial in today’s clutter. Brand’s work hard to engrain their product or service, and establish market positioning, relevance—and ultimately dominance. Savvy brands understand the importance of creating something catchy and memorable. They need to separate themselves from their competition in ways that remain top-of-mind for their targeted audience. Let’s review the top ten below according to Rnk Company Rev($B) FY Employees Mkt. Cap Location Founded 1 Amazon $232.9 2018 647,500 $802.3 Seattle 1994 [1][2] 2 Alphabet Inc. $136.8 2018 98,771 $791.01 Mountain View, CA 1998 [3][4] 3 $55.7 2017 137,975 $34.84 Beijing 1998 [5][6] 4 Facebook $55.01 2018 25,105 $486.39 Menlo Park, CA 2004 [7][8] 5 Alibaba $39.90 2018 66,421 $432.12 Hangzhou 1999 [9][10] 6 Tencent $36.39 2017 44,796 $434.66 Shenzhen 1998 [11][12] 7 Netflix $15.8 2018 5,400 $153.39 Los Gatos, CA 1997 [13][14] 8 Booking $12.7 2017 22,900 $92.94 Norwalk, CT 1996 [15] 9 Baidu $12.40 2016 45,887 $88.11 Beijing 2000 [16][17] 10 eBay $10.75 2018 14,000 $32.07 San Jose 1995 [18][19]   Each one of these companies went out and acquired their core-premium domain name. They understood the value of the .com as their global brand. Let’s dig a bit deeper in the strategy of one of the major power-houses listed above., listed at number four also owns many other valuable pieces of digital, beach front real estate. Take for example, which complements the existing digital strategy that was already in place. Facebook has parlayed their web presence by building another piece of digital real estate on their own majestic piece of real estate. Another example is, with more than $12B in revenues. They do a phenomenal job of attracting users with constant ad-driven messaging. They have partnerships with more than 660,000 hotels and provide a valuable service to their clientele. Why Premium Domains? Let’s continue with the beach-front real estate analogy. For the past thirty years, brands swallow up the short, brandable .com domains. These are the assets that provide the most upside, equity and long-term value to the brands. These assets can hold generic value, such as, or be more brandable, such as or Baidu to name a few. Premium domain names have commercial appeal and are typically, very memorable. Brands spend huge amounts of money attracting new users and creating brand credibility. Digital strategists are competing for a smaller piece of the available premium domain name inventory. Sure; anyone can build a brand, using any extension, to the right of the dot. It’s how you develop the brand, and create long-term equity for your company. Companies should always acquire the shortest variation for their brand. This doesn’t have to be the only strategy. Companies should outline a comprehensive domain name strategy that not only covers their brand, but any additional reputation management, or brand defense needed to protect your corporate brand positioning. Simply put, premium domain names add the following instant upside: Brand-dominance and positioning Equity toward the long-term exit strategy Inability to build—defensive strategy against your competition Own the real estate before your competitors do! Direct Navigation Search—people search the keyword every day! How many eyeballs are you missing? IP and Trademark positioning Credibility and Awareness Most successful brands have identified the importance of the premium domain name. Most of them now have dedicated digital strategists or digital departments to handle the larger need for digital integration and social media components. Brands should spend wisely, and methodically when securing a new brand, or piece of beach-front digital real estate. Get it right the first time Companies should always use this checklist to make sure they are not leaving their money on the table Hire an expert—when you get your maintenance on your car, do you do it yourself? Spend your time wisely, on what you do best and leave domain acquisitions to the experts! Conduct Research—who owns the asset, and for how long? Is it being used? Are there active trademarks? What’s the history of the link profile? Variations and Alternatives—brands need to nail it. To do this, sometimes, they need to think outside the box. Find viable alternative assets that define your image and brand. Negotiation is key—do you negotiate for a living? We do. We remove the emotional attachment and red tape to manage both buyers and sellers’ expectations.  Be Flexible—sometimes you have to give a little, to get a little. Don’t be afraid to be flexible and offer ways to mutually-benefit the other party in your transaction. Be Honest—honesty and integrity go along way. Be true to your word, and don’t go back on what you say. This is critical for deals to succeed. Ask Questions—hold your broker or expert accountable and ask appropriate questions. Some domain transactions move quickly. A clear line of communication is necessary to save valuable money and time. Due-Diligence—dig for more information, market comps, fire-power necessary to make the case. Goes back to the research tidbit above. Timing—don’t hunt for a CBD-themed/ Marijuana-type name when there is mass decriminalization and legalization occurring. The market is just too hot, and pricing will be way too inflated. Instead, names should be selected, “ahead-of-the-curve”. Save money When buying a premium domain name, it’s important to ask the right questions. This can save the buyer tons of money in the long-run. The most widely used example relates to trademarks tied to a name, or brand. Many companies have secured a domain name for commercial use, but never take the time to search the trademark database. This quick search can save clients thousands of dollars. Premium Domain Names make total sense for any emerging brand, looking to scale their brand accordingly. Shortening the global domain name is still the foundation for successful growth. The top companies around the World continue to focus on the sensible .com for their brand growth. This validates the need for superb, premium domain name for your company and brand. Get it right the first time and save money in the long-run while adding that much needed credibility and equity value. Drop us a line to discuss your domain name strategy and digital branding plan. Click here, to acquire your next premium domain name.

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Understanding the Domain Name Scam

Protecting Against Domain Name Scams   It’s essential to understand the different types of domain name scams to protect yourself and your online identity. Domain name holders must be vigilant about renewing their domain names to retain exclusive rights and maintain their online identity. These domain name scams can be difficult to spot, but there are ways to identify them, such as recognizing phishing emails. The domain name renewal scam typically involves urgent phone calls or emails pressuring you to renew your domain names immediately and pay or risk losing your domain. The domain name renewal scam tries to trick people using phishing scams and deceptive tactics when registering names. Awareness and reporting are crucial to protect yourself. Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration. Watch out for fraudulent domain renewal notices that may look official but are not. Domain registrations often come with options for renewal or transfer, so explore these to avoid falling for scams. Always verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your registrar company directly. Be aware of deceptive practices by companies that send official-looking letters from a domain registry, urging you to transfer your registrations under false pretenses.   Protecting Yourself from Domain Scams   Use a secure payment method to pay for domain name renewal. Recognizing legitimate renewal notices is essential to avoid unnecessary fees and potential loss of domain ownership for the customer. Verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your domain registrar company directly. Scammers often exploit the relationship with your existing registrar by suggesting that a transfer is merely a renewal process. Monitor your domain name registration and renewal dates to avoid missing important deadlines. Scammers use various methods, including urgent phone calls and deceptive emails, to execute a renewal scam. Use domain locking to prevent illegal transfers. Domain hijacking is another threat that can be mitigated by this measure. Registration scams typically manifest through fake renewal notices, creating confusion and unwarranted financial pressure. Keep your contact information private by using a domain name privacy service. Scammers may trick owners through fake offers, exploiting confusion around domain registration and renewal. Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration. Fraudulent phishing scams often target website owners, using tactics to deceive them into believing they owe money or need to make changes to their domain or hosting services.   Understanding Domain Name Renewal Scam   A Domain name renewal scam is a type of intellectual property scam or confidence scam that target the owner. These scams can result in financial loss for businesses and individuals. The financial loss can be substantial, affecting both small businesses and large corporations. Domain name scams can take many forms, including domain slamming, false offers to buy or sell domains, and fake trademark protection. It’s essential to understand the different types of domain name scams to protect yourself and your online identity. Domain Registry of America is an example of a fake trademark protection service. They contact the website owner claiming to have a trademark right or warning someone else owns the rights to your name. Check your expiration date and make sure your domain information is protected so you don’t lose control of your asset. Register and renew for extended periods. Domain name scams often involve unscrupulous domain name registrars attempting to generate revenue by tricking businesses into buying, selling, listing, or converting a domain name. These scams can be difficult to spot, but there are ways to identify scam tactics. Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration. Always verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your registrar company directly. Be able to recognize scammer tactics by paying attention to blog post and article updates. Customers should also consider adding two-factor authentication for all registered accounts.   What is a Domain Name Scam?   A domain name scam is a type of intellectual property scam or confidence scam that targets domain name owners. These scams involve unscrupulous individuals or companies attempting to trick domain owners into buying, selling, listing, or converting domains. The consequences can be severe, leading to financial loss for businesses and individuals, and even the loss of control over a domain name. Scammers often use deceptive tactics to make their offers or demands appear legitimate, preying on the lack of awareness among domain stakeholders.   Definition of domain name scams A domain name scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers deceive individuals or businesses into paying for fake registration services, overpriced renewals, or by impersonating legitimate registrars. It often involves phishing, domain hijacking, or misleading offers to trick victims into making unauthorized payments or losing control of their domain   Importance of awareness and prevention Awareness is the first line of defense against domain name scams. The website owner must be vigilant and proactive in protecting their assets. This means being cautious of unsolicited offers, verifying the authenticity of emails and letters, and keeping domain registration information up to date. By understanding the risks and taking preventative measures, website owners can safeguard themselves from getting scammed. Regularly monitoring domain status and using secure payment methods for renewals are also crucial steps in prevention.   Domain Registry and Scams   Domain renewal scams: fake notices and invoices Domain scams are a common tactic used by the scammer to trick the owner into paying for unnecessary services or transferring their site to a different registrar. These scams typically involve sending fake notices or invoices that claim the domain name is due for renewal. Often involving inflated prices, notices often appear to be from the a registry or a legitimate company, but they are actually from fraudsters posing as an internet registry Swindlers use various tactics to make these notices or invoices appear legitimate. They may include the domain owner’s contact information and registration details, creating a sense of urgency by claiming that the domain names will expire or be lost if the renewal fee is not paid immediately. They may ask for you to renew your domain and pay an exorbitant fee.This pressure can lead the holder to act hastily without verifying the authenticity of the notice or link. They may also try an inflated price on the renewal scam for your website or use a scare tactic and tell you your name is about to expire if you don’t pay a fee To avoid domain scams, website owners should be cautious of unsolicited notices or invoices. Always verify the authenticity of the sender by contacting the current registrar directly or checking the domain name holders registration information online. Be wary of notices or invoices that create a sense of urgency or demand payment for unnecessary services. By staying vigilant and taking these precautions, domain parties can protect themselves from scams and maintain control over their domain names.   Protecting Yourself from Domain Scams   To protect yourself from domain scams, it’s crucial to be vigilant and take proactive steps. Here are some tips to help you avoid falling victim to domain scams: Keep your domain registration information valid, up to date and secure so it never expires. Simply renewing ahead of time. Set a calendar reminder to be a step ahead Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration. Verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your domain registrar or reseller directly. Use secure payment methods when you register and renew your site or domain name. Avoid Mail that contains your physical mail address. Address customer concerns by contacting customer support. Monitor your domain name registration and renewal dates to avoid missing important deadlines. Consider adding auto-renew as a double check for registering your asset before it expires. Use domain locking to prevent unauthorized transfers of your registered assets. Keep some money in the registrar account in case you have an issue with your credit card when you pay. Keep your contact information private by using a domain name privacy or proxy mail service. By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to domain scams and protect your online website identity for your domains.   Reporting Domain Scams to Your Domain Registrar   If you suspect that you have been a victim of a domain scam, it’s essential to report it to the relevant authorities. Here are some steps you can take: Report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) using the link provided. Share the information about the scam on social media to warn others. Use the social media links provided to share the post. Report the scam to your domain registrar company such as Network Solutions. Contact the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Complaint department and let them know about the letter or email. File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) if the scammer is a business. By reporting domain scams, you can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam and bring the fraudsters to justice. Protecting Against Domain Name Scams   It’s essential to understand the different types of domain name scams to protect yourself and your online identity. Domain name holders must be vigilant about renewing their domain names to retain exclusive rights and maintain their online identity.   These domain name scams can be difficult to spot, but there are ways to identify them, such as recognizing phishing emails. The domain name renewal scam typically involves urgent phone calls or emails pressuring you to renew your domain names immediately and pay or risk losing your domain. The domain name renewal scam tries to trick people using phishing scams and deceptive tactics when registering names.   Awareness and reporting are crucial to protect yourself. Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration. Watch out for fraudulent domain renewal notices that may look official but are not.   Domain registrations often come with options for renewal or transfer, so explore these to avoid falling for scams. Always verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your registrar company directly.   Be aware of deceptive practices by companies that send official-looking letters from a domain registry, urging you to transfer your registrations under false pretenses.   Protecting Yourself from Domain Scams   Use a secure payment method to pay for domain name renewal. Recognizing legitimate renewal notices is essential to avoid unnecessary fees and potential loss of domain ownership for the customer.   Verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your domain registrar company directly. Scammers often exploit the relationship with your existing registrar by suggesting that a transfer is merely a renewal process.   Monitor your domain name registration and renewal dates to avoid missing important deadlines. Scammers use various methods, including urgent phone calls and deceptive emails, to execute a renewal scam. Use domain locking to prevent illegal transfers.   Domain hijacking is another threat that can be mitigated by this measure. Registration scams typically manifest through fake renewal notices, creating confusion and unwarranted financial pressure. Keep your contact information private by using a domain name privacy service.   Scammers may trick owners through fake offers, exploiting confusion around domain registration and renewal. Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration.   Fraudulent phishing scams often target website owners, using tactics to deceive them into believing they owe money or need to make changes to their domain or hosting services.   Understanding Domain Name Renewal Scam   A Domain name renewal scam is a type of intellectual property scam or confidence scam that target the owner. These scams can result in financial loss for businesses and individuals. The financial loss can be substantial, affecting both small businesses and large corporations.   Domain name scams can take many forms, including domain slamming, false offers to buy or sell domains, and fake trademark protection. It’s essential to understand the different types of domain name scams to protect yourself and your online identity.   Domain Registry of America is an example of a fake trademark protection service. They contact the website owner claiming to have a trademark right or warning someone else owns the rights to your name.   Check your expiration date and make sure your domain information is protected so you don’t lose control of your asset. Register and renew for extended periods.   Domain name scams often involve unscrupulous domain name registrars attempting to generate revenue by tricking businesses into buying, selling, listing, or converting a domain name.   These scams can be difficult to spot, but there are ways to identify scam tactics. Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration. Always verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your registrar company directly.   Be able to recognize scammer tactics by paying attention to blog post and article updates. Customers should also consider adding two-factor authentication for all registered accounts.   What is a Domain Name Scam?   A domain name scam is a type of intellectual property scam or confidence scam that targets domain name owners. These scams involve unscrupulous individuals or companies attempting to trick domain owners into buying, selling, listing, or converting domains.   The consequences can be severe, leading to financial loss for businesses and individuals, and even the loss of control over a domain name. Scammers often use deceptive tactics to make their offers or demands appear legitimate, preying on the lack of awareness among domain stakeholders.   Definition of domain name scams   A domain name scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers deceive individuals or businesses into paying for fake registration services, overpriced renewals, or by impersonating legitimate registrars. It often involves phishing, domain hijacking, or misleading offers to trick victims into making unauthorized payments or losing control of their domain   Importance of awareness and prevention   Awareness is the first line of defense against domain name scams. The website owner must be vigilant and proactive in protecting their assets. This means being cautious of unsolicited offers, verifying the authenticity of emails and letters, and keeping domain registration information up to date.   By understanding the risks and taking preventative measures, website owners can safeguard themselves from getting scammed. Regularly monitoring domain status and using secure payment methods for renewals are also crucial steps in prevention.   Domain Registry and Scams   Domain renewal scams: fake notices and invoices   Domain scams are a common tactic used by the scammer to trick the owner into paying for unnecessary services or transferring their site to a different registrar.   These scams typically involve sending fake notices or invoices that claim the domain name is due for renewal. Often involving inflated prices, notices often appear to be from the a registry or a legitimate company, but they are actually from fraudsters posing as an internet registry   Swindlers use various tactics to make these notices or invoices appear legitimate. They may include the domain owner’s contact information and registration details, creating a sense of urgency by claiming that the domain names will expire or be lost if the renewal fee is not paid immediately.   They may ask for you to renew your domain and pay an exorbitant fee.This pressure can lead the holder to act hastily without verifying the authenticity of the notice or link.   They may also try an inflated price on the renewal scam for your website or use a scare tactic and tell you your name is about to expire if you don’t pay a fee   To avoid domain scams, website owners should be cautious of unsolicited notices or invoices. Always verify the authenticity of the sender by contacting the current registrar directly or checking the domain name holders registration information online.   Be wary of notices or invoices that create a sense of urgency or demand payment for unnecessary services. By staying vigilant and taking these precautions, domain parties can protect themselves from scams and maintain control over their domain names.   Protecting Yourself from Domain Scams   To protect yourself from domain scams, it’s crucial to be vigilant and take proactive steps. Here are some tips to help you avoid falling victim to domain scams:   Keep your domain registration information valid, up to date and secure so it never expires. Simply renewing ahead of time. Set a calendar reminder to be a step ahead Be cautious of emails or letters that create a sense of urgency or threaten to cancel your domain name registration. Verify the authenticity of the email or letter by contacting your domain registrar or reseller directly. Use secure payment methods when you register and renew your site or domain name. Avoid Mail that contains your physical mail address. Address customer concerns by contacting customer support. Monitor your domain name registration and renewal dates to avoid missing important deadlines. Consider adding auto-renew as a double check for registering your asset before it expires. Use domain locking to prevent unauthorized transfers of your registered assets. Keep some money in the registrar account in case you have an issue with your credit card when you pay. Keep your contact information private by using a domain name privacy or proxy mail service.   By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to domain scams and protect your online website identity for your domains.   Reporting Domain Scams to Your Domain Registrar   If you suspect that you have been a victim of a domain scam, it’s essential to report it to the relevant authorities. Here are some steps you can take:   Report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) using the link provided. Share the information about the scam on social media to warn others. Use the social media links provided to share the post. Report the scam to your domain registrar company such as Network Solutions. Contact the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Complaint department and let them know about the letter or email. File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) if the scammer is a business.   By reporting domain scams, you can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam and bring the fraudsters to justice.

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How to Choose a Domain Name

One of the most important decisions you’ll make about your business is the domain name you choose to acquire. The domain name you give your business is crucial as it becomes your identity on the web. You want it to reflect your brand and fit your business, but you also need it to be easy to find and promote. Acquiring a premium domain name is definitely the way to go but choosing one can be difficult. What criteria should you be following to make sure you end up with the very best when you buy a domain name? To help you answer the question ‘What should my domain name be?’, here are six things you should keep in mind. 1. Pick a Short Name When You Choose a Domain What You Want to Avoid: When you’re just starting out playing with domain names to choose, it can be tempting to combine all your ideas into one long domain name. However, while that may make it unique and descriptive, it may hurt your branding. What to Do Instead: A short name is easy to remember, easier to spell, and thus, has a better chance of becoming a household name. It also makes it easier when you want to branch out into branded items, or you want to create a logo, etc. Unfortunately, the very easy 3-letter names were all taken as early as 1997, but there are plenty of others available that are appropriate. The shorter your domain name is, the easier it is to share through word of mouth. It’s also easier to type into your search bar, especially if you’re using a phone. 2. Pick Something Easy to Spell, Pronounce, and Remember What You Want to Avoid: A name that is difficult to spell can negatively impact your traffic because it can mean that users don’t land on your page. They might even end up with a competitor, instead. You’ll also want to avoid using multiple spellings and the use of hyphens, numbers, or special characters. Your customers will often misunderstand numbers or misplace hyphens. People who hear your web address might not know whether you’re using a numeral or if it’s spelled out. What to Do Instead: This name needs to be easy to remember. Your customers need to be able to spell it correctly and pronounce it easily, so that they can easily share it with others. Imagine you’re naming a child – you want something unique for your site, but you also don’t want a name that will create difficulties because of spelling or pronunciation. If you absolutely need to include special characters or terms that are more difficult to spell in your domain name, make sure you register different variations of it to be safe. Some of the most famous and brandable names out there are extremely simple: Google. Facebook. Amazon. These are giants who created an excellent product or service, but who also knew how to brand themselves by acquiring premium domain names. 3. Use Relevant Keywords What You Want to Avoid: A word of caution, here – if your domain is entirely made up of keywords, you run the risk of creating a brand that sounds too generic, or unrecognizable. Especially if you’re starting a blog or a personal page, you need something with a bit of personality. What to Do Instead: You’ll notice that a lot of the heavy players have names that are composed of two words, and one of them is usually a keyword. That is a very clever choice, because a) it’s descriptive of your business, b) it majorly contributes to SEO, and c) it makes your name easy to remember. So, if you’ve got an interior design business, for example, you’ll want a premium domain that ideally includes a relevant keyword, like “design”, “interior”, “decorator”, “home”, “style”, etc. That will tell your potential customers all they need to know about your business. Your name is also likely to pop up in whatever Google search they try for “interior design” or similar keywords. If your business is local, you might consider including your city or state in your domain. That way, customers in your area can find your name and remember it easier. Often, when doing keyword research for your business, you’ll find that city and state will most likely be included. 4. Avoid Anything Confusing or Inappropriate What You Want to Avoid: You want to pay attention to not pick a name that is confusing (either because of spelling or sheer peculiarity), awkward, or inappropriate. If the initials of your business make up an inappropriate word, scrap the name immediately. What to Do Instead: Also pay attention to what a domain looks like when you spell it out, if it’s made of multiple words. You’ll be surprised at how many other words you may inadvertently spelling. The other thing to look out for is that picking a name that has no relation to your line of business can be very confusing. 5. Avoid Names that Already Exist or Are Trademarked What You Want to Avoid: Don’t go ahead with a name that is extremely similar to an existing one or that is trademarked, because a) that is confusing for your customers and you risk losing traffic, and b) you may, someday, be served with a legal notice that may create problems. What to Do Instead: However, there is a caveat, here. If the name is already trademark-protected, that’s a bit of a dead-end. There can’t be another Burger King, for example. If, however, the domain name you want is just taken by someone else, there are ways around that and you are still able to buy a domain name that is already owned. 6. Choose a .com TLD, but Purchase All Available Extensions What You Want to Avoid: If you only acquire the domain name you want and no other similar ones, you run the risk of having someone else purchase other variations of your domain. They will get the traffic that should have been directed towards your page. What to Do Instead: The most popular domains are .com ones, and they are the most widely used, so it’s the ideal premium domain to acquire. But your work doesn’t stop here. Once you’ve bought that, you also want to purchase every other available variation of your domain name. For example, let’s say your domain name is You should try to buy,,, etc. That way, no one else can take these domains and possibly steal traffic that was meant to go your way. Once you have these domains, you can make sure the traffic redirects to your main .com domain. Bottom Line When Deciding How to Choose a Domain Name Choosing a domain name can be a delicate process. Pick the wrong one, and your business may suffer. Pick the right one, and it can catapult you into quick notoriety, or at least it can help make branding easier. The most important things to remember when choosing what domain to acquire is that it should be something easy to spell and remember, non-trademarked, and that ideally includes a keyword. If you manage to find the perfect one, purchase every variation to make sure that you can take advantage of 100% of the traffic going to these domains.

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Name Experts offers personalized domain brokerage services, assisting clients in buying or selling premium domain names with expert appraisal, negotiation, and complete transaction management while ensuring confidentiality.

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